Efficacy of audiovisual materials on animal exploitation to motivate changes in food consumption of mexican students
Animal ethics, Animal justice, Social innovation, Sustainability, Vegan activism, Veganism, VegetarianismAbstract
Audiovisual materials may be efficacious to promote vegetarian and vegan diets. However, we do not understand well the reasons underlying their efficacy. In this study, we compared the efficacy of five videos on animal exploitation versus a talk and a control group to motivate changes in food consumption. We surveyed students from 25 groups in three high schools (15-18 years) in Mexico City during two visits (n=659 and n=551, respectively). We evaluate their beliefs and attitudes towards other animals, their consumption of animal-origin foods before and after the treatments, and their willingness to reduce or eliminate the consumption of such foods. All the treatments motivated a willingness to reduce or eliminate the consumption of food from animal origin, but the two videos that showed explicit violence were the most efficacious treatments. We found significant differences according to gender and initial consumption. Our study is relevant to vegan/vegetarian activism.
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