Is ‘a-more-than human thinking’ possible?

Notes from the Vinciane Despret’s work for a philosophical ethology


  • Camila Bonilla Sztern


philosophical ethology, assemblage, multi-species ethology, anthropocentrism


This article presents and reflects on the work of Vinciane Despret, in particular on her studies with non-human animals and her peculiar perspective of a “philosophical ethology”. To characterize her work, she focuses on two notions that account for her perspective, on the one hand the “becoming with”, which tries to break the asymmetries between species, and, on the other, the concept of multi-species assemblage that relocates the production of worlds in the encounter. From the reading of her main productions, three methodological gestures are extracted, namely: 1) the displacement of the question or asking the right questions, 2) the enabling of multiple versions as opposed to world views and 3) the act of storytelling as a scientific practice. The article concludes that these three gestures are of utmost importance and usefulness to rethink the practice and the ways of conceptualization of the so-called human sciences.

Author Biography

  • Camila Bonilla Sztern

    Licenciada en Psicología. Facultad de Psicología Udelar (Uruguay).


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How to Cite

Is ‘a-more-than human thinking’ possible? : Notes from the Vinciane Despret’s work for a philosophical ethology. (2019). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 6(1).