Like an animal:

a simile instead of a subject


  • Todd McGowan
  • Sergio J. Aguilar Alcalá


animality, psychoanalysis, subjectivity, law


The following article, written by Todd McGowan, asks why we use animal similes to explain human actions (“fat as a whale”, “traitor as a snake”). Apparently, we do so in order to degrade a human act to a primitive animality. However, psychoanalysis is a powerful tool to invert this reading. For McGowan, we use these similes precisely to control what makes us humans and separates us from the animals: an excess in subjectivity that stains every human act, even those considered as “natural”. Thus, the human is not another animal, but an animal that is like an animal, that carries an extra weight that disturbs the relation to its own animality. This article is complemented with an introduction by the translator, where a theoretical background is commented, and the consequences of McGowan’s hypothesis are brought to new places.

Author Biographies

  • Todd McGowan

    Doctor en Filosofía de la Ohio State University. Profesor en el Departamento de Inglés de la University of Vermont.

  • Sergio J. Aguilar Alcalá

    Maestro en Comunicación, Universidad Iberoamericana (México) Andrew Mellon Grant post-MA fellowship, “Extimacies: Critical Theory from the Global South”


Referencias de la introducción

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How to Cite

Like an animal:: a simile instead of a subject. (2021). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 8(1).