The domestication of animals:

notes on its origins and impact on the social and biological order


  • Blanca Irais Uribe Mendoza


domestication, animal, zooarchaeology, anthropozoogenesis


The objective of this article is to explain the beginnings of animal domestication and the social, biological and cultural dynamics that this phenomenon triggered. The importance of this topic resides in the fact that domestication is the most ancient, profound and definitive relation between human beings and animals. It also allows us to understand the origin of some of our approaches  to nature. The methodology consisted of locating, recovering, organizing and analyzing bibliographic sources dedicated to animal domestication, particularly from three approaches:
molecular biology, zooarchaeology and animal studies. Such approaches provide a complete, broad and clear view of the evolution of the animal domestication process and its environmental, social and cultural implications. With this material, a theoretical perspective can be proposed from which the phenomena involved in animal domestication and the implications arising from this process can be fully appreciated.

Author Biography

  • Blanca Irais Uribe Mendoza

    Doctorado en Filosofía de la Ciencia (con especialidad en historia). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.


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How to Cite

The domestication of animals:: notes on its origins and impact on the social and biological order. (2021). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 8(1).