Metamorphoses of Narcissus:

re-reading Muerte de Narciso from the point of view of the animal gazes


  • José Castellanos


Narcissus, gaze, perspectivism, metamorphoses


This article explores Jose Lezama Lima’s poem Muerte de Narciso (1937) from a perspective ignored by critics: the presence of particular animals. This reading starts by considering Narcissus alongside the mythical figures of Echo and Actaeon, and proposes that the main character in Muerte de Narciso recognizes that he is not the only being capable of a gaze. Based on Viveiros De Castro’s notion of “perspectivism”, this article concludes that Lezama Lima’s poem can be read as a text about an Anti-Narcissus. That is, as a re-reading of the classical Narcissus, in which he not only stares at himself in the water, but also at the gazes of the animals, acknowleding, thus, that the place of the human in the cosmos is an unstable one.

Author Biography

  • José Castellanos

    Profesional en Estudios Literarios. Estudiante PhD en Español. University of Notre Dame (Estados Unidos).


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How to Cite

Metamorphoses of Narcissus:: re-reading Muerte de Narciso from the point of view of the animal gazes. (2021). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 8(1).