The Ignorant University: Pedagogy and Humanism in Derrida and Rancière


  • Sebastián Chun UBA - UNIPE




The question about an antispeciesist teaching leads to an urgent task. In the first place, we need to recognize how our educational and academic practices are enrolled in the humanist tradition, something that we criticize. Secondly, it is necessary to analyze the alternatives that this legacy offers in order to experiment beyond this inheritance. In this article we read two texts that outline the itinerary of this searching and explain its limits: “The University Without Condition” of Jacques Derrida and “The Ignorant Schoolmaster” of Jacques Rancière. Both thinkers question the principles of teaching and research, including the academic writing, and open our practices to other possible ways.   


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How to Cite

The Ignorant University: Pedagogy and Humanism in Derrida and Rancière. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 12(2).