cattle, (post) humanism, human language, oppressionAbstract
This article aims to analyse the case of the use of the term gado [cattle] in Brazilian politics on a social networt, to contribute to the discussion about how speciesist language restates animal domination and subordination from an ethical-political perspective. This paper is structured in four sections: a) a survey of quantitative data on the use of the term gado on Twitter between January 2016 and August 2021; b) an analysis, from the animalist ecofeminist paradigm, of the meanings of the term and data regarding its increasing use in the Brazilian political context; c) the (in)visibilization of non-human subjects as individuals through language, specially, oxen or cows, by using the word gado; d) reflexions on an anti-oppressive language, which demands understanding ourselves from a continuum of interdependent relationships, besides not using the word gado when referring to people considered uncritical.
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