An essay on the feline aspect of Medusa:

intersections between Duras, Breillat and Telles


  • Cassiana Lopes Stephan


autarchy, affirmation, femininity, cat, Medusa


In this essay we seek to characterize the feline aspect of the female autarchy as symbolized by the image of Medusa in the narrative La maladie de la mort, by Marguerite Duras, but also in its film adaptation, Anatomie de l'enfer, directed by Catherine Breillat. Therefore, firstly, we approach the cinematographic dimension of Duras' writing, which links her to Homer's imagery thinking and to the expressionist aesthetics inspired by Nietzsche. Then, we show the deviations from the Anatomie de l'enfer script regarding La maladie de la mort to develop, in the way opened by Duras, the philosophical-literary transversality between Homer and Breillat concerning Calypso and Ulysses. On the other hand, in comparison to Calypso and through Manet’s painting Olympia, we delineate the feline character of medusic femininity. Finally, to give rise to the reflection on the ambivalence of affirmative subjectivity, we briefly analyze Lygia Fagundes Telles' short story Tigrela.

Author Biography

  • Cassiana Lopes Stephan

    Doutora em Filosofia.  Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brasil).


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How to Cite

An essay on the feline aspect of Medusa:: intersections between Duras, Breillat and Telles. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 7(2).