About the sixth extinction (II)

From domestication to the sixth extinction


  • José Miguel Esteban Cloquell Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Querétaro


Anthropocene, domestication, agriculture, religion, legitimatization


This second research work on the sixth extinction (and II) firstly show (1) some hypothesis which enable tracking its roots back to Neolithic agro practices, then this paper concisely explains some of the consequences derived from domestication of undomesticated species and their diversity. Following that, (2) the paper discusses Cauvin hypothesis on mental revolutions and religious-based and anthropomorphic symbolic rearrangements as causes for agriculture and domestication of nature. After (3) proposing counter-arguments against this mentalist hypothesis through Darwinian framework which entitles domestication to a symbiotic and co-evolutional relation, (4) one tries to read Cauvin thesis in terms of reasons which legitimate domestication religiously instead of causes that originate it, including some Pentateuch textbook that illustrate this religious justification on agricultural productivity.

In (5) the philosophical legitimization of natural domestication is explained through excluding dichotomies like a justification of the status quo, crystallised in the Neolithic revolution. Afterwards (6) the text invokes some arguments that link these philosophical dichotomies to addiction, fears and obsessions derived from pathologies of development, so finally (7) to relate the sixth extinction with childhood fantasies of omnipotence. At the end, we shall interpret a text from Civilization and Its Discontents in which Freud connects religious gods with civilizing process attached to total nature domestication and to the disappearance of the dangers representing all that is wild.


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How to Cite

About the sixth extinction (II): From domestication to the sixth extinction. (2017). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 4(2). https://revistaleca.org/index.php/leca/article/view/145