Human and non-human, nature and culture.
The "cursed cycle" of western modern thought
nature, culture, nonhuman animals, anthropology, bestialization, racismAbstract
Although there are some exceptions, even illustrious (think of Montaigne), modern Western thought has been characterized by a tendency not only to think about the relationship between nature and culture and between humans and non-humans in dichotomous terms, but also to distinguish and separate human subjects from non-human objects, usually considered lacking in "world", "cultures", "history", even intelligence and sensitivity. These dichotomies have often been organized according to binary oppositions such innate / acquired, instinct / intelligence, inheritance / environment ... This way of thinking has also influenced contemporary scientific anthropology, which has placed a concept of culture mainly based on this dichotomous logic at its center: a kind of logic that descends from a wholly special ontology, being meaningless for all those cultures -the most - characterized by a feeling of proximity and community with other living beings. The humanity / animality dichotomy is often the basis of the distinction we / others and the construction of the identity of "us." In the Western context, in particular, the metaphor of animality is used to devalue, stigmatize, lower the others or the other gender, if not to bestialize them. This should be enough to grasp what continuity there is between speciesism, racism and sexism.
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