Thinking about nonhuman animal rights according to Kant

An approach to Christine Korsgaard’s proposal


  • Samuel León Martínez Proyecto Grado Cero, UNAM.


Animal Rights, Christine Korsgaard, interacting with animals


The question of how we consider and treat non-human animals has been approached by a lot of authors in different historical moments, however, in the project of the illustration existed certain concordance between thinkers from different traditions as Bentham and Kant, who argued that unnecessary cruelty to animals is unjustified; the first held that the day that they recognize rights to animals and spoke of the existence of direct obligations come. Kant considered that we can only maintain indirect obligations kind to animals, as claimed direct obligations to keep such animals, they should be able to understand the content of the obligation. It has been considered that the philosophy of Kant is not a good starting point for basing theoretically the rights of animals, we will revisit several postulates of Kant through some texts of Christine Korsgaard, studious of Kantian thought, the hand that we can rescue important ethical and legal aspects of the work of Kant, as Korsgaard argues that from the postulates of the German philosopher can speak perfectly obligations direct type and therefore ownership of moral rights that give way to legal rights for animals, we analyze the cases in which Korsgaard criticizes the basis of the property status of the other animals and proposes that these be considered as ends in themselves.



Kant, Immanuel, Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres, texto integro de la traducción Manuel García Morente, Edición de Pedro M. Rosario Barbosa, Puerto Rico, 2007.

----- Lecciones de ética, Traducción de Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo y Concha Roldan Panadero, España, Ed. Crítica, 2a edición, 1988

-----Metaphysics of Morals, Traducción del Alemán por Mary Gregor, Cambridge University Press, EUA, 1991,

Korsgaard, Christine, “A Kantian Case for Animal Rights”, en Michel, Margo, et al., Animal Law – Tier und Recht, Developments and Perspectives in the 21st Century Entwicklungen und Perspektiven im 21. Jahrhundert, Alemania, Ed. Dike, 2012.

----- Fellow creatures: Kantian Ethics and Our Duties to Animals, The Tanner Lectures in Human Values, delivered at University of Michigan February 6, 2004, p. 83, Disponible en:

-----“Interacting with animals: a Kantian account” en Tom L. Beauchamp y R. G. Frey (Eds.) The Oxford hand book of Animal Ethics, EUA, Oxford University Press, 2011.

-----”Personhood, animals, and the law”. Think, 12, 2013, pp. 25-32.

Locke, John, Second Treatise of Government, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. Indianapolis, Cambridge, EUA, 1980.







How to Cite

Thinking about nonhuman animal rights according to Kant: An approach to Christine Korsgaard’s proposal. (2016). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 3(1).