Policies of the view on the living animal:

the enclosing line and the cutting line


  • María Julieta Silva Massacese Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, Universidad de Buenos Aires.


carnophalogocentrism, zoo, autopsy, experimental science


In this paper we analyze how have been drawn the policies of vision about animals. From the autopsy on an elephant made in front of Louis XIV (Derrida 2010), we stop at some crucial transitions, as the transformation of the French Menagerie in the modern zoo, which also finds its correlation in the transfer of the actual autopsy to the anatomical theater. Finally, these modulations are combined in the emerging experimental science through experimentation on animals, practices involving both dissection and vivisection. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the unthought affinities between the surgical and closure policies on animality, to show that the ways of seeing, ways of having and dispose living animals are all guided by curiosity and justified by the sovereignty of the human over others forms of life.


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How to Cite

Policies of the view on the living animal: : the enclosing line and the cutting line. (2016). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 3(1). https://revistaleca.org/index.php/leca/article/view/96