Anima: imagination and empathy in Wajdi Mouawad's e Jakob Von Uexküll


  • Diego F. Moreno Mancipe


imagination, empathy, ethology, behavior, Anima


This paper discusses the role played by imagination and empathy in the constitution of an animalmonadology in Wajdi Mouawad’s Anima and Jakob von Uexküll’s work. Anima is used as the medium to exhibit the highlights and limits of the radical distinction between natural scientists and poets’ ways of approaching and describing animal life. On the one hand, we discuss the artificiality attributed by literary critics to Mouawad’s work; on the other, we demonstrate how –contrary to Uexküll’s thought – the objectivity of the ethological practice is only feasible when crossed by a halo of fiction.

Author Biography

  • Diego F. Moreno Mancipe

    Filósofo y magíster en filosofía, Facultad de filosofía Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá (Colombia). Investigador predoctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Anima: imagination and empathy in Wajdi Mouawad’s e Jakob Von Uexküll. (2021). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 8(1).