Learning to dance finally
Nietzsche's animals and dances
animality, embodiment, art, danceAbstract
This paper proposes a reading of the problems of body and animality in Friedrich Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra, paying special attention to the question of art—art, that is, both in a restricted and an ontological sense, illusion and error as conditions of existence. The privileged status given to dance in Thus Spoke Zarathustra—embedded in a wider web of meanings comprising philosophy as art, the body of the dancer and multiple animal bodies—enables us to wonder whether there is, within Nietzsche’s thinking, an understanding of art and dance as no longer prerogatives of the human being. The discussion is thus organized by the following question: Are animals capable of art? Others have asked whether they laugh, think, or suffer. Here I would like to ask: Do animals dance?
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