Earthing confluences: contradicting human formation


  • Luis Thiago Dantas UERJ


Cosmology, decoloniality, modernity, Person


This essay is an attempt to exercise the decolonization of human modes of existence and break with colonialism as the protector of the Greco-Latin base. To this end, the break with the question of subject and subjectivity will lead to the problematization of human formation and what will be defined as human. On this path, my proposal is to understand the earthly confluence following the arguments of Ailton Krenak and Antonio Bispo dos Santos about the humanist ideal as perpetuation of colonialism by other means. With this, the proposal is to think about the insertion of different cosmologies in the philosophical and educational field to question the exclusive notions of the human being as someone distant from the world. Therefore, I turned to the relational dynamics of João Paulo Lima Barreto regarding the Wai-mahsã and Busenki Fukiau regarding muntu (person) in the Kalunga line. 


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How to Cite

Earthing confluences: contradicting human formation. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 12(2).