Animal Rights beyond the Rights of Nature


  • Anna Caramuru Pessoa Aubert


ecofeminism, critical studies, animal rigths, intersectionality


Ecofeminisms are diverse movements that have in common the fact that they are political-philosophical movements that, in an intersectional way, seek to deal with violence related to gender and the human-nature relationship. However, among ecofeminists, there are authors who deal with the natural world in a general way, ignoring the subjectivity of animals as individuals, and not just part of the fauna. With this scenario in mind, in an exploratory and analytical way, the goal is to explore the ecofeminist-animalist approach, seeing animal exploitation as part of the problem to be faced by the ecofeminist project. With this theoretical framework outlined, a critical comparative analysis will be made between the Brazilian and Ecuadorian legal systems, concluding that both systems are insufficient with regard to the treatment given to nature and, in particular, to nonhuman animals.


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How to Cite

Animal Rights beyond the Rights of Nature. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 10(2).