Violence and speciesism in Costa Rica: the antispeciesist ethics as a proposal of social change


  • María Fernanda Obando-Sánchez


especismo, antiespecismo, igualitarismo, ética antiespecista.


The article provides an approach to speciesism as a hegemonic position and its implica- tions for the life of non-human animals. Given this ideology, the incorporation of egali- tarianism, addressed by Horta (2019), is subsequently proposed, as well as the concept of vulnerability, ascribed to the context of non-human animals, proposed by Martin (2021), as alternatives to the hegemonic speciesist ideology. Reference is made to how speciesism can be correlated with violent human practices in the Costa Rican context, as well as the perpetuation of speciesist behaviors, promoted from an educational system that normal- izes the consumption of non-human animals. It concludes with the contributions of fem- inism in the construction of antispeciesist ethics that respond to intersectional oppressive practices.

Author Biography

  • María Fernanda Obando-Sánchez

    Formación en Antropología y Arqueología (Universidad de Costa Rica) y en Ingeniería Ambiental (Tecnológico de Costa Rica).



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How to Cite

Violence and speciesism in Costa Rica: the antispeciesist ethics as a proposal of social change. (2022). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 9(2).