Os problemas do uso da metáfora animal nos filmes de animação
anthropomorphic animals, animation films, metaphor, fetishAbstract
In the industrialized world children are surrounded by animal imagery: toys, cartoons, pictures, decorations of all kinds. According to Berger (2009), until the nineteenth century, the representation of animals was a regular part of the decoration of middle-class childhood; but in the twentieth century with the arrival of Disney, they became part of every child, as long as they appear in an anthropomorphic and fetishist form. The problem arises when researchers analyze these images reducing them to metaphors because they forget about all the work behind the metaphorizing of the animal, without considering what the animal symbol is, just generalizing it. Therefore, this article aims to understand the phenomenon of representation of non-human animals in animated movies for children with its adequate ethical, socio-cultural, political and philosophical resonance. Here we explore the ethical, political and cultural implications corresponding to the ways in which relationship between humans and other animal species are constructed, deconstructed and reinvented.
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