The attitudes of individuals towards pigs in family and small productions


  • Rui Pedro Fonseca


attitudes, individuals, pigs, production, family, small


This is a qualitative research about practices and attitudes of individuals who deal with the management and slaughter of pigs. It was performed in family production and small production types - exploratory contexts motivated by masculinity, hobby, commensality and, respectively, trading. The attitudes of people towards animals proved to be complex, sometimes contradictory, oscillating between affection and, mostly, detachment - essential for the achievement of their slaughter and consumption. Animals, however, remain more fixed in an objectified status, may eventually be repositioned as individuals and even, in exceptional cases, adopted as pets. These differentiated attitudes can be triggered by factors such as species, age and sex (of animals); gender, individual memories (in humans); the time spent, the tasks performed with the animals; and the exploratory context.

Author Biography

  • Rui Pedro Fonseca

    Pós-Doutoramento no CIES-IUL (ISCTE). Investigador integrado no Centro de Investigação de Estudos em Sociologia – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Portugal).


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How to Cite

The attitudes of individuals towards pigs in family and small productions. (2019). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 6(1).