Commercial use of wild fauna,

another aspect of the extractivistic model in latin America?


  • Laura Borsellino
  • Pablo Pereira


wildlife sustainable use, extractivism, biodiversity conservation, nature rights


Based on a review of the concept of extractivism -used by several authors to illustrate the current dynamics of capitalist accumulation and its effects in Latin America and the Caribbean- in this paper we propose to think about it in relation to the exploitation of wildlife for "legal" profit, that is, authorized and regulated by the State. The "sustainable use" of wildlife -as conceived by various state actors, those that benefit economically from it, and an important part of scientific discourse- can be reflected in some current examples that we will take as an analysis: the breeding of yacarés in the province of Santa Fe, and the hunt and task of wild guanacos in Patagonia. As extractivisms, we will see what contributions and new horizons open up to think about the relationship, from the Latin American region, between society and nature.

Author Biographies

  • Laura Borsellino

    Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación (UBA) y Especialista en Conservación de la Biodiversidad (UBA).

  • Pablo Pereira

    Licenciado en Sociología (UBA) y Maestrando en Conservación de la Biodiversidad (UBA).


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How to Cite

Commercial use of wild fauna, : another aspect of the extractivistic model in latin America?. (2018). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 5(1).