Hospitality and legal treatment of the non-human animal, in Derrida


  • Andreia Aparecida Marin Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro / Universidade de São Paulo
  • Leonildo Antônio Gomes Pereira Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro


hospitality, alterity, non-human animal, animal rights


This text focuses on the connection between two elements of Derrida's thought - hospitality and legal treatment - in the relationship of the human with a radical difference, non-human animals. Possible hospitality, discussed by Derrida as a necessary reduction of unconditional hospitality, is the starting point for speculation about the possibility of welcoming the bestiality, the stranger. This stranger is here represented by the marcs of animality that anthropocentrism wants to control. The legal discourse that tries to legitimize the rights of non-human animals is marked by this treatment of the animal as a radical difference, and uses the references of the laws defined in the centrality of the human. The need to transpose the existing legal framework to overcome violence in the relationship between humans and non-humans is discussed.


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How to Cite

Hospitality and legal treatment of the non-human animal, in Derrida. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 7(2).