The teaching of animal ethics or the inclusion of moral consideration for animals


  • Ysis Vélez


ética, animal, moral, education


This paper aims to develop a reflection on the teaching of animal ethics in educational institutions in the Colombian context, especially in the middle and higher education modality, showing the obstacles to teaching in this field and the improvements that has been made, based on the social demands of promoting animal rights. This paper exposes that it is necessary to work the latter from a moral perspective that questions specificity and anthropocentrism, for which curricular transformations must be made and teaching that values the interdisciplinary as moments of change in perspective to widen the circle of moral consideration towards beings of other species.

Author Biography

  • Ysis Vélez

    Magister en Filosofía, Universidad del Quindio.


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How to Cite

The teaching of animal ethics or the inclusion of moral consideration for animals. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 7(2).