To fell-think establishing more than human kinship relations in urban territories


  • Yesica Paola Beltrán Hernández
  • Alejandro Mendoza Jiménez


To fell-think establishing, kinship relations, becoming-animal, relational ontologies


The relational ontologies have been deployed in the context of Our America by different decolonial and eco-feminist ethical-political proposals. These approaches have made it possible to break and critically distance themselves from the patriarchal and colonial interpretative frameworks that historically consolidated the understanding of nature based on the essentialist idea of ​​gender and nature relations. Our intention lies in problematizing the kinship relationships that we weave in urban contexts, distancing ourselves from the domestication processes of animal bodies. Based on our life experiences, we seek to think about establishing human-more-than-human kinship relationships, with respect to species that have been relegated to the historical experience of domestication, based on the decentralization of care practices of the exclusively human. These feelings lead us to ask: Which are the material and affective dimensions of the feeling-thinking the land based on the vital experience of sharing, in urban territories, life with more than human species?

Author Biographies

  • Yesica Paola Beltrán Hernández

    Maestra en Estudios de Género. Escuela de Estudios de Género, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

  • Alejandro Mendoza Jiménez

    Politólogo. Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales y Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Grupo de Investigación Teorías Políticas Contemporáneas (TEOPOCO).


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How to Cite

To fell-think establishing more than human kinship relations in urban territories. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 7(1).