A case study on rights and relationships between birds and humans:

Perspectivas narradas sobre tres aves en la zona de Íntag, Ecuador


  • Sylvia M. Seger


human-bird relationship, perspectives about birds, case study, rights, narratives


This article gives rise to a case study, investigative and situated, on the perspectives and perceptions of peasants in Intag, northwest of Ecuador, around three regional birds. Starting from the narratives of the natives, perspectives and positions stand out regarding the domestic chicken, the dusky-legged guan and the andean cock-of-the-rock, three important birds in Intag. The narratives illustrate different relationships that the peasants entertain with each bird according to the value that is linked to the human-bird bond and to the attitude about the rights of birds and humans. From these observations about coexistence, considerations and implications emerge regarding food sovereignty, hunting, habitat loss, ecotourism, the domestic-wild dichotomy, and the rights of Nature.

Author Biography

  • Sylvia M. Seger

    Doctora en Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos de la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, sede Ecuador. Investigadora Bosque Protector Siempre Verde y Casa Palabra y Pueblo, Íntag, Ecuador


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How to Cite

A case study on rights and relationships between birds and humans: : Perspectivas narradas sobre tres aves en la zona de Íntag, Ecuador. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 7(1). https://revistaleca.org/index.php/leca/article/view/168