Monsters, queer failure and techonological resistance

Three proposals from contemporary art


  • Agustina Gálligo Wetzel


posthumanism, monstrosity, art, technology


This article starts from the presentation of three ways of life, related to contemporary art, which propose aesthetic and political materials whose community emerges from the hybridization exercises between humans, non-human animals (ANH) and machines. We will try to analyze these proposals in the light of monstrosity as a biopolitical category, which makes possible to question what is given and authorized as normal, as acceptable, and consistent in the human sphere. In this sense, the monster is the bearer of an epistemic value that defines a critical-theoretical category that is an alternative to the dominant western rationality and that creates a field of meanings that  denaturalizes the known world by subjecting it to other logics. 

Author Biography

  • Agustina Gálligo Wetzel

    Doctoranda en Estudios de Género. Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Nacional. IIGHI/CONICET


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How to Cite

Monsters, queer failure and techonological resistance: Three proposals from contemporary art. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 7(1).