Animality and the Sacred in Georges Bataille:

from Anthropological Difference to Human-Animal Community.


  • Natalia Lorio Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


anthropological difference, negativity, sacred, community


In this essay we would like to develop some notions about animality based on George Bataille’s work. It is known that Bataille poses an anthropological approach founded on a heterogeneous knowledge –by connecting reflections on religion, economics, ontology, and theory of the subject– whose paths are fruitful to think about tensions around animality, challenges to deepen, and ethical-political issues that remain unsolved. We will inquiry into the peculiarities of Bataille’s thought on animality –that puts in tension religious animism and immanence of the sacred– which opens multiple ways to think about a policy of animality around the problem of the community. In order to do this, we have organized our essay around four axes and sections: the anthropological difference; the passage from animal to man; the fascination of man towards animal life by way of the sacred; the possibility of a man-animal community.


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How to Cite

Animality and the Sacred in Georges Bataille:: from Anthropological Difference to Human-Animal Community. (2014). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 1(2).