The dark side of the dog at post-exploitation noon


  • Jorge Márquez Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.


Animal transformation, post-humanism, animal voice and literature, domestication, post-exploitation


Humans haven’t been able to listen to the animal voice as a legitimate alternative speech. Of course, the topic does not make reference to the development of scientific or technological aspects, but to the form in which the man thinks about himself, and thus the way in which he thinks the world and how he relates himself to it. If we are unable to listen to the animal, it is necessary to think the animal. By thinking the animal it is very probable that we may hear it. In the case of domesticated animals it seems that the domestication process relieves us from this thought because in a certain manner it is the man who takes care of them. Nevertheless behind the lives of animals like the dog we find ourselves in front of a paradox: there is an exploitation happening in front of our own eyes, which nobody seems to notice. In the last decades, Philosophy has taken a turn in which the human being has started to move away from its own center. Without a doubt, the ethical implications of that movement are favoring already the process of thinking in order to be able to hear the animal. Likewise, literature, which has always thought about animals in many different ways, makes up an interesting base material to address this issue. The exploration of the essay presented here is based, precisely, on the confluence of these two looks.


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How to Cite

The dark side of the dog at post-exploitation noon. (2016). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 3(1).