Los bosques y jardines del fine amour

El hombre y la naturaleza en el imaginario medieval


  • Federico Asiss González Gabinete de Historia Universal “Dr. L. E. Brizuela” – Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes – Universidad Nacional de San Juan; CONICET (Argentina)


kind love, new cultural history, representations, forest, garden


The representations from which the elaboration of speeches and the realization of the social practices are fed on are the cornerstone of the New Cultural History and our investigation. In fact, it is the representations that men have created the ones that determine our social and individual connection with nature. These have been summarized in various discourses from which we have selected the ones outlined within the concept of kind love (Amor Cortes), which materialize the biases from the people who created it. This way, through the analysis of these texts, we have tried to identify those characteristics that underlie in the discourse and that featured the relationship between man and the environment. Those are elements that abridge in two archetypical places from the chivalrous mind, the forest and the garden. Two-fronted settings that when faced against each other, give us a wider more complete view of nature in its humanized and wild aspect, kind and hostile to man. In conclusion, through this new perspective, we look to shed some light over facets of the medieval man’s life that let us understand him in a much more complex, described, and rich way.


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How to Cite

Los bosques y jardines del fine amour: El hombre y la naturaleza en el imaginario medieval. (2014). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 1(1). https://revistaleca.org/index.php/leca/article/view/10