Animal figuration in contemporary peruvian art as a subversive possibility in the face o the disenchantment of Modernity


  • Lorena Lucia Menacho Montenegro


identity, art, decoloniality, posthumanism


The present investigation proposes a model of revaluation of non-hegemonic cultures through animal representation as a subversive possibility of identity exploration in dialogue with otherness. In the first place, the relationship between the Latin American and the animal will be elaborated as hybrid identities arising from the differentiating strategy of modern schemes. Then these profane interactions are proposed as a possibility for the joint exploration of new becomings. Secondly, art is proposed as a place for diagnosis and experimentation of these explorations through the possible modes of representation of the animal from hybrid cultures.
Finally, animal figuration in contemporary art in Peru is semantically analyzed, without losing sight of the possible animal instrumentalization in culture. Between pre-modernity and postmodernity, what has been lost with humanism and what has been found again, through the
representation of the animal?

Author Biography

  • Lorena Lucia Menacho Montenegro

    Bachiller en Artes Plásticas con mención en Pintura. Facultad de Arte y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.


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How to Cite

Animal figuration in contemporary peruvian art as a subversive possibility in the face o the disenchantment of Modernity. (2021). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 8(1).