Liberation theology for animals


  • Andrew Linzey
  • Nicolás Jiménez Iguarán


animals, anthropocentrism, Christology, liberation Theology


The idea that human beings are unique as species in having the capacity to co-operate with God in the work of liberation and redemption leads us naturally to a consideration of liberation Theology itself. As I show, however, the liberation Theology in no way fulfils its promise in relation to the oppression of animals. Instead of liberation Theology from moral humanocentrism, these theologians appear to enslave us even more firmly to it. Their narrowness in this regard largely arises from a deficient christology. I try to show how – by recovering five basic christological connections – it is possible to construct a liberation Theology which does – and inspires – justice to the suffering non-human creation.

Author Biography

  • Andrew Linzey

    Sacerdote Anglicano Inglés. Doctor en Filosofía del King's College London. Miembro de la Facultad de Teología de la University of Oxford. Fundador y director del Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.


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How to Cite

Liberation theology for animals. (2021). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 8(1).