Activismo Abolicionista

La ‘otra mirada’ como afección


  • Ana María Aboglio Universidad de Buenos Aires


other view, abolicionism, anthropocentrism


This article projects a central focus on the abolitionist view: if the starting point of an activist of the non-human animality must begin with a vegan practice, their actions as a transformative activist requires a much more complex perspective than what would come from a mere intellectual outreach or a fragmented action or from an imitator of actions that do not pertain to their time and space or are conceived from an confrontational view. Their words and actions should consider the other points of view that I propose as a trailblazing strategy with the goal to dissolve the systematic provocation which is sometimes invisible, from the speciesist selfishness that is rooted in the normosis, which lays as a previous concept, as a model with certain overlapping cultural codes, teachings, and preconceptions in the so called theoretical load of our perception: these underlying ideas, which are invisible but are determinant of the current paradigm. This view would be able to reveal what the anthropocentrism is hiding, dissolving the moral imperviousness that cloud the reality to which the arbitrary discrimination undergone by other animals leads to. The goal would always be to advocate in order to restore them the dignity which they have been deprived of.


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How to Cite

Activismo Abolicionista: La ‘otra mirada’ como afección. (2014). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 1(1).