Animals as a living commodity


  • Nicole Mikly
  • Santiago Mora Posada


Capital, Nature, Living Commodity, Crisis.


In this century, globalization and capitalism have entered a cycle of expansion. However, this expansion is reflected not only in the capital-labor relationship, but also in the subordination of nature. Under this dynamic, ecosystems, considered unlimited resources, are exploited without considering their depletion or environmental costs. The economy, centered on monetary value, underestimates natural limits and the costs of environmental degradation. In this context, animals become living commodities, exploited without regard for their welfare or ecological balance. Although traditional economic theory does not adequately address these problems, the environmental crisis poses clear limits to capitalist growth, which could lead to a conflict between social forces and nature.


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How to Cite

Animals as a living commodity. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 12(2).