Foucault reader of Nietzsche: perspectivism and the laughter an other life against anthropocentrism


  • Thiago Fortes Ribas


Foucault, Nietzsche, Anthropocentrism, Perspectivism.


In this article, I analyze Foucault's reading on the invention of knowledge and Nietzsche's perspectivism to explain these authors' distance from anthropocentrism. The arguments and the way of writing on these themes in Nietzsche's thought point to the question of an ambivalence of laughter, seen both among the drives that animate the form of metaphysical knowledge, and as a component of a joyful science that moves away from anthropocentrism and every form of fixed reference to thought. In the end, I seek to relate the criticism of the claim to universality of values ​​with the ethical demand of constantly overcoming oneself in confrontation with the present. At this point, I use Foucault's reading of ancient cynicism to show how critical attitudes can reflect on the construction of a true life practicing a relationship of self-alteration in the exercise of animality.


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How to Cite

Foucault reader of Nietzsche: perspectivism and the laughter an other life against anthropocentrism. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 11(1).