The deanimalized animal: Nietzsche's critique of human nature and the animal question


  • Vinicius Souza de Paulo UNIFESP


Nietzsche, animal, nature, physiology


The article deals with the question of the animal in Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy, based on his critique of the modern conception of the human, which in general terms aims to denounce the emptying of the instinctual sphere, of everything that in the human configures its animal aspect, based on the ascetic impulse of the dogmatic rational thought that prevails in the logic of modern culture. The realization of the process of de-animalization of the human animal and the emphasis on the rescue of animality, on the return to nature, are thus one of the pillars for renewing and overcoming the decadent modern image of the human animal, providing a new conception of human nature that does not exclude and separate the human from the animal, but seeks its integralization with the whole of nature.


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How to Cite

The deanimalized animal: Nietzsche’s critique of human nature and the animal question. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 11(1).