The role of education in the face of necrospeciesism


  • Lucía Aquino
  • Ernesto Siola


necrospecies education, necropolitical speciesism, necrospeciesism, precarious lives.


In this introductory work, we intend to study the role of education in the face of necrospeciesism. Given the multidisciplinary nature of education, the approach will be based on the following dimensions: i) historical dimension, which gives an account of the possible events that systematized the necrospeciesist perspective. Here emphasis will be placed on the pedagogical transformation that occurred in Uruguay after its modernization process, in which it went from artisanal to industrial slaughterhouses; ii) thanatological dimension, where the concept of “necrospeciesism” will be typified and the characteristics of the slaughterhouse as a heterotopic space will be developed; iii) political dimension, where the constructs “speciesist necropolitics” and “necrospeciesist policies” will be introduced; iv)  educational dimension, introducing the construct “necrospeciesist education”, and critically analyzing the previous dimensions. For this, the studies of Romina Kachanoski  on “speciesist violence” and the works of Derrida dedicated to animals will be taken as a basis. 


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How to Cite

The role of education in the face of necrospeciesism. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 12(2).