
  • Clara Eliana Cuevas


Julia Pastrana, animality, femininity, freak shows


In this article, I seek to understand, through the historical reconstruction of Julia Pastrana's memory, to what extent the animalization of this woman justified the compulsory use of her body, both during her life and after her death, for economic purposes linked to the entertainment industry, which thoughtlessly mixed horror and comedy in the context of freak shows. Furthermore, I also seek to think about the ethical-political power concerning the articulation between femininity and animality. More precisely, my stance is far from being humanist: through the remembrance of Julia Pastrana, I question whether it is time to affirm the combative power of the bonds between femininity and animality.

Author Biography

  • Clara Eliana Cuevas

    Doctoranda en Historia en el Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de México. Magíster en Historia por la Universidad Federal de Paraná (UFPR|Brasil) y Licenciada en Historia por la Universidad Tuiuti de Paraná (UTP|Brasil). Es miembro de la red LIESS, Laboratorio Iberoamericano para el Estudio Sociohistórico de las Sexualidades. Investiga la relación entre cuerpo, tecnología y violencia en América Latina. Actualmente estudia las tensiones políticas, sociales y económicas en torno a la venta de sangre en México, desde la institucionalización de los bancos de sangre hasta la crisis del SIDA.


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2023-06-28 — Updated on 2024-03-31




Feminismos y Ecosofías: encuentros multiespecies

How to Cite

TRACES OF AN ANIMAL WOMAN: BODY AND MEMORY OF JULIA PASTRANA, AN INVITATION TO A HISTORICAL IMAGINATION. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 10(1). (Original work published 2023)