milk, reproduction, Balinha, LactationoceneAbstract
Balinha is a fat, friendly, big-teated, tame, and soft cow. Karvadi is “a bull of impressive bodily proportions and extraordinary racial quality”. Both were milked and loved, but after an encounter in the Greek polis, something changed their lives forever. This is a story manifesto, essentially incomplete and unfinished; a long footnote that alludes to the mental burden, a sculptural text, heavy, thought with other mammals, that we write our stories from the bottom of the well. And the bottom of the well has something horizontal about it. At the bottom of the well, we are all moss, we are wet. We give milk, so we exist. Through a multidisciplinary inflection with the sciences and feminist studies, this story seeks - and finds! - some clues to the violence perpetrated on human and extra-human bodies involved in reproduction and breastfeeding.
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