A Time War Unfolds


  • Francisco Hernández Galván
  • Martín de Mauro Rucovsky


Daniel Lezama, fungi, temporality, ecopolitics.


Fungi occur on various surfaces and develop on their own with decomposing materials. Its temporality contains cycles of biogeochemical coexistence, for the fungi are the first to decompose the dead matter of animals and plants. The temporality of mushrooms exempts us from accompanying the discussions on the subjectivity and transcendence of political ecologies. In this intervention we want to investigate some oil paintings from the collections “Dispositivos” and “La compañía” by Daniel Lezama – Aparición (2015), Aguacero (2015), La Joya/abrevadero (2015), El sueño de Endimión I y II (2016) –, that expose the radical alternatives of the fungi kingdom. We consider that the samples constitute a powerful point to situate the unfolding of a critical temporality, which has not yet estimated the germinative power of fungi in the formation of ecopolitics; that’s whywe ask ourselves: what alternatives do fungal germs whisper to us to invent new radical bets on cultural ecopolitics?

Author Biographies

  • Francisco Hernández Galván

    Antropólogo social y crítico cultural. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. Email: franckhg93@gmail.com


  • Martín de Mauro Rucovsky

    Crítico cultural e investigador. Instituto de Humanidades, CONICET. FemGes, CIFFyH, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.

    Email: martinadriandemauro@gmail.com


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How to Cite

A Time War Unfolds. (2022). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 9(2). https://revistaleca.org/index.php/leca/article/view/390