La animalidad y la decolonización del pensamiento: más allá del etnocentrismo


  • Luca Filaci Università degli studi di Cagliari


The most important question we are trying to elucidate is not so much how similar or how different we are from other forms of life, which, at least in this context, is not the most important thing. Rather, it is a question of understanding the reason for this suffocating need; how it is that the human has the continuous need to define itself as distinct from the animal, expelling as a residue of inhuman instinct everything in it that refers to that world, the world of bodies and lives.


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How to Cite

La animalidad y la decolonización del pensamiento: más allá del etnocentrismo. (2024). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 10(2).