Marxist new reading of Singer e Francione:
Two potentialities antispeciesist facing the socioecological crisis of the capitalism
Peter Singer, Gary Francione, critique and interpretation, MarxismAbstract
Starting from the socio-ecological crisis of capitalism, in this article we carry out a Marxist new reading of two antispeciesist potentialities of the principle of equal consideration of interests and of the principle of the right not to be a thing property. For this, chapter two of our research The concept of ‘Animal Liberation’ in Peter Singer and Gary Francione seen from a Marxist analysis (2019), is retaken. The first potentiality of the authors is an ethical critique of the animal reification of capital and the second potentiality is a theoretical and ethical denaturation of the essentialism of capitalist speciesism. In the end, the relative materiality of these speciesists powers is explained and it is argued that the idea of animal liberation of the authors is not entirely a utopia, but a topology marked by the asymmetric development of the productive forces-destructive forces of capitalism in crisis and its possible collapse.
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