Speciesist state: animal proletarization or life substitution

Marxist reflections on animal question


  • Juan José Ponce León


state, speciesism, marxism, animals


This article discusses the notion of speciesism, related to the idea of ​​animal domination instrumentalization/exploitation within the framework of the theories of political sociology about the State and Animal Critical Studies (ECA). The transversal axis of analysis is the animal question in analytical overlap with state or state forms. Some questions that articulate the reflections are: ¿Is it possible to think of a speciesist state? ¿How does the State enable and perpetuate speciesism? In this relationship, state and speciesism, the following sections of the text are constructed. First, fundamental notions about the state are presented from a Marxist and post-Marxist standpoint. Second, an analytical exercise of sociologizing the speciesism category is presented. Third, the notion of state and speciesism is analytically intertwined, and the case of the welfare state is analyzed. Finally, it concludes with a critical analysis of the possibility of reforming the speciesist state.This article discusses the notion of speciesism, related to the idea of ​​animal domination instrumentalization/exploitation within the framework of the theories of political sociology about the State and Animal Critical Studies (ECA). The transversal axis of analysis is the animal question in analytical overlap with state or state forms. Some questions that articulate the reflections are: ¿Is it possible to think of a speciesist state? ¿How does the State enable and perpetuate speciesism? In this relationship, state and speciesism, the following sections of the text are constructed. First, fundamental notions about the state are presented from a Marxist and post-Marxist standpoint. Second, an analytical exercise of sociologizing the speciesism category is presented. Third, the notion of state and speciesism is analytically intertwined, and the case of the welfare state is analyzed. Finally, it concludes with a critical analysis of the possibility of reforming the speciesist state.

Author Biography

  • Juan José Ponce León

    Psicólogo Clínico. Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador


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How to Cite

Speciesist state: animal proletarization or life substitution: Marxist reflections on animal question. (2019). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 6(2). https://revistaleca.org/index.php/leca/article/view/260