The Animal Erotism in "Vlad", by Carlos Fuentes and in "El Vampiro y el Sexo", by René Cardona:

the Vampire-Hybrid in Mexican Narrative


  • Mari Carmen Orea Rojas Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla


vampire, eroticism, bat, hybrid


Vlad, the Carlos Fuentes’ romance, and El vampiro y el sexo [The Vampire and the Sex], a film produced by Calderón Steel, are reviewed here. The works are analyzed through the Georges Bataille’s notion of eroticism in order to understand, insofar as they are a parody of Dracula, how these works offer a very eroticized vision of the vampire concerning to the context of Mexican productions.  The conclusion is that the vampire, as a hybrid mixture between a human and an animal, allows an approximation with the erotic figure par excellence, since it is constituted by the erogenous and instinctive vision of the latter, but also by the consciousness of death of the former.


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How to Cite

The Animal Erotism in "Vlad", by Carlos Fuentes and in "El Vampiro y el Sexo", by René Cardona:: the Vampire-Hybrid in Mexican Narrative. (2014). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 1(2).