Urban clauses and dignified habitat for non-human wild and liminal animals


  • Pablo Frasson


urban closures, non-human animals, urban project, edge


Cities are cultural constructions of societies where the cosmovisions of each epoch are materialized. The urban project must adapt as the moral consideration of the inhabitants and new actors expands. A first approach to urban closures is proposed as a new space in the cities for the exclusive use of non-human wild and liminal animals, according to their particular interests and needs. The edge of the cities is analyzed as the first sensitive area where these new spaces can be thought. They represent sectors of habitat of non-human animals in the present.

Author Biography

  • Pablo Frasson

    Arquitecto, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.


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How to Cite

Urban clauses and dignified habitat for non-human wild and liminal animals. (2018). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 5(1). https://revistaleca.org/index.php/leca/article/view/199