Dizzy dishes:
the use of cartoons to represent the bestiality of animals… not humans or humans?
Anthropomorphism, bestiality, speciesism, animation cinemaAbstract
The anthropomorphism is defined as the attribution of emotions, characteristics and human intelligence to non-human animals. It includes the generation of images of animals with human traits or the representation of animals dressed and performing human activities. In cartoons, it is common to witness the representation of these characteristics that attribute to these animals the bestiality that they supposedly contain in their most instinctive and irrational parts. Hence in this article I will analyze the first black-and-white short film in the 1930s cartoon Betty Boop, called Dizzie Dishes, which contains elements that converge with this subject; moreover, in this short film, Betty Boop is depicted as a dog, an element that would be analyzed from the discussions on gender speciesism.
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