Encounter between animals:
oblivion, sadness, silence and death
animal, man, anthropogenesisAbstract
Fantastic narratives about different animals can lead readers to recognize the animality that informs them. Based on this thesis, the trial attempts to discover other types of relationships with animality each time mine, as well as with the other animals. It also seeks to show the inhuman part of the human being that can be opposed to the man who has become in the history of the West. This essay takes as a reference point the tale of Ambrose Bierce entitled An Inhabitant of Carcosa, where he realizes that the world he has inhabited has long since died. The metaphysical terror produced by the death of a world, which appears to be ours, can only be fought for the creation of a different one, in which the power and strength of vital energy can be congraciated into life forms that prevent the extinction of so many others.
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