Can a wild boar die for honor?
Some considerations about honor in our interactions with other animals
honor-based violence, biopolitics, representational biotechnology, moral considerabilityAbstract
This work deals with the importance of the concepts of honor, prestige and reputation in human interactions with other animals. It starts from the analysis of the news of the death of three ISIS militants by the attack of a group of wild boars and the subsequent revenge of the comrades of the dead fighters. The news, widely disseminated by Western media, placed wild boars in the international political arena as anti-ISIS allies.
This article analyzes concepts related to honor and the violence that underlies it, when non-human animals represent the interests of individuals or human groups in conflict or competition. In this way, it establishes new connections that allow us to understand different behaviors that until now were outside the understanding of the social sciences, such as the possibility that a non-human animal could be a victim of honor based violence.
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