Intertwined inequalities:
the animality in the colonial-modern imagination
anthropology of human-animal relations, Covid-19, inequalities, decolonial studiesAbstract
What does anthropology have to say about the catastrophes that terrorize our generation? In this text we propose a reflection on the way in which different representations of animality and humanity participated in the structuring of a world marked by inequalities intertwined from literary, historical and socio-anthropological narratives. The objective is to subsidize reflections on the continuum constituted by the modern-colonial in order to analyze some of its conflicts, particularly those that were based on the projections of characteristics associated with certain animals on certain human groups to characterize and justify their inferiority or their harm. Our reflection is guided by the question: Does animality express only the identity of certain animals different from us or does it also reveal itself as one of the multiple social markers that organize the hegemonic imagery of our time?
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