Critical Animal Studies and Sociology:
theoretical notes on post/anti-humanism
critical animal studies, sociology, post-humanismAbstract
This work exposes the theoretical development and the different bifurcations of Critical Animal Studies. The aim is to present a state of the question that serves as a theoretical-analytical basis for the critical study of the animal condition under the bias of post / anti-humanism. The text develops the notion of "animal turn", as an eclectic synthesis of previous developments on the subject, such as: "anti-speciesist post-humanist" and "insurgent post-humanism". The article is divided into three sections. In the first, we expose the ECA's theoretical and political contributions from a transdisciplinary and intersectional perspective that encompasses radical policies of total liberation: liberation of the human, of the animal and of the Earth. In the second section, from an epistemological point of view, substantive criticisms of the field of sociology are pointed out based on Critical Animal Studies. In the third, starting from ontology, the post-humanist and anti-humanist perspectives of the animal turn are approached.
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