Cosmic dogs

Post-human escapes in Quedate conmigo, by I ACevedo


  • Juan Revol


Quedate conmigo, animality, dogs, aliens


This work aims to explore the reconfigurations of the animal that appear in Quedate conmigo, by I Acevedo (Editorial Marciana, 2017). In this novel, the appearance of Susi, an android dog that came from the Moon, intertwines the ways of being an animal - above all, the ways of being a dog - with those of the cyborg and those of the aliens. From a post-humanist approach, the dog's hybridization with these figures will allow Susi to be read as a deterritorialized animal, capable of problematizing the humanist hierarchy of its attributes and proposing new ways of being and being-with the animal. This deterritorialization of the humanistic precepts will enable the emergence of unique animal attributes, which will allow us to interrogate the negative conceptualizations of the animal (lack of language, lack of memory, lack of morality, etc. - reason or soul–) and open the game for a new sharing of the sensations, which is capable of surpassing the categories of speciesist dialectic. 

Author Biography

  • Juan Revol

    Licenciado en Letras Modernas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Doctorando en Letras, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Cosmic dogs: Post-human escapes in Quedate conmigo, by I ACevedo. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 7(1).