Strange Animals:

Presence of the Animal Issue in Contemporary Thought.


  • Mónica Cragnolini Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET


sacrifice, posthumanities, subjectivity, community


This paper addresses the notion of a transformation within the "humanities" as a result of the impact of "critical animal studies". “Critical animal studies” contribute to "denaturing" the idea of man as the master of all living things, since they question the traditionally accepted boundaries between human and animal, present in the origin of humanities. Thinking about the animal from the perspective of "strangeness", as radically other, is presented as a possible basis for a kind of hospitality with the animal, making it possible to live in the community of the living without naturalizing the sacrifice of the other.


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How to Cite

Strange Animals:: Presence of the Animal Issue in Contemporary Thought. (2014). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Críticos Animales, 1(2).